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Areas of need- Sensory and/or physical need

There is a wide range of sensory and physical difficulties, but the important consideration in this area is the degree to which the difficulties impact on a child’s or young person’s ability to access educational opportunities.

Hearing Loss
  • The levels of hearing loss are mild, moderate, severe or profound
Vision Loss
  • Visual impairment is an eye condition that cannot be fully corrected by glasses or contact lenses
  • The levels of vision are mild, moderate, severe or profound
Multi-sensory Impairment
  • Multi-sensory impairment occurs when there is a hearing loss and visual impairment, which are both educationally significant although they may be at different levels
Sensory Processing Difficult
  • Our bodies and the environment send our brain information through our senses. We process and organise this information so that we feel comfortable and secure. When a child has difficulty coping with these demands, they may have sensory processing difficulties
  • A child may be under-sensitive or over-sensitive in the 5 areas
  • Proprioception (ability to perceive the body's position in space and movement)
  • Vestibular (sense of balance and spatial orientation)
  • Auditory (reaction to certain sounds)
  • Oral Sensory (taste, texture, and temperature of food)
  • Tactile (reaction to touch - e.g light touch or deep pressure
Physical Difficulty
  • Physical/medical injures can be for a variety of reasons, e.g. congenital conditions (some progressive), injury or disease.
  • A child with a physical difficulty may have a diagnosed medical condition which affects them physically. There may be an undiagnosed condition where the child presents with delayed development or impairment with their physical ability and/or presentation
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

There remains debate about whether SPD is an independent diagnosable disorder or the result of observable symptoms linked to well-established disorders. For example, sensory sensitivities are part of the diagnostic criteria for autism. Regardless, it is important to recognise that children may be experiencing sensory processing difficulties, as these may not be as obvious as other conditions affecting eyesight, hearing, and physical development.

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