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Art & Design 


To develop:

  • creative and imaginative ability;
  • the practical skills for engaging with and for communicating and expressing original ideas, feelings and meanings in art, craft and design;
  • investigative, analytical, experimental and interpretative capabilities, aesthetic understanding and critical and enquiring minds, with increasing independence;
  • cultural knowledge and understanding of art, craft and design and of the media and technologies used in different times, contexts and societies;
  • personal attributes including self-confidence, resilience, perseverance, self-discipline and commitment.


KS4 pupils start off by selecting their own theme, guided by the teacher. This assists with helping pupils remain passionate about the subject and engage with enthusiasm. Pupils will build a portfolio, which will be 60% of the final grade. Year 11 pupils receive an externally set task in January this is 40% of their coursework.

  • Pupils will work individually and creatively to develop personal ideas in response to any given activity/theme/stimulus.
  • Pupils will explore artists and designers from different cultures and historical periods using visual elements to communicate their ideas and feelings.
  • Pupils will experiment with a wide range of media, materials and techniques developing any existing skills and to acquire new skills.



When the pupils arrive at the academy, they are often reluctant to embark upon Art. The way we deal with this reluctance is to give the pupils a light box. After a period of time this is removed from them.  By this time, the pupils have learnt new techniques and methods of toning and shading. This has a positive effect on the pupils and increases their creative capacity and confidence. Pupils learn more effectively when they can link their experiences to what they are familiar with and motivated by.



The pupils have assessment criteria which they are familiar with and terminology that they understand. This links to the exam criteria objectives



Pupil’s progress is evaluated using their baseline upon entry to the academy and the progress they are making.  This allows necessary intervention to be put in place in order to give pupils the best chance of obtaining their expected outcomes.


Originally, the pupils studied Product Design. This posed a problem when it came down to the amount of writing they were expected to complete in the exam, although they really enjoyed the practical elements. With the new specification for Art & Design, pupils can still enjoy all of the practical elements but without the amount of writing that was required. Written work can also be produced in a creative way too.


Cross-curricular links

Vocabulary Events/People/Places Concepts Procedures
The pupils will learn and be able to incorporate the appropriate terminology for Art & Design: Shape/Space, Lines, (Maths) Colour, Texture, Form and Annotation (English).

No specific artists are used, but pupils will research an appropriate artist relevant to their chosen theme.

E.g. a war theme, which will link to History; fairy tales that will link to English and sport art linking to PE and Science.

Ideas will be based on the research of existing artists work, and then developed into their own.












Pupils will learn how to use a variety of different techniques as they go along.


Pupils will annotate using the formal elements of art.


Career Links

Art & Design Education Publishing & Media Advertising & Marketing

Graphic Designer


Art Auctioneer


Gallery Curator




Fashion Designer


Motion Graphics




Interior Designers


Product Designers


Front End Designers

Product Design Teacher


Art Design Teacher


Private Tutor


University Lecturer








Gallery Displays

