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Summary Careers Programme 2024-2025

All students at Derby Pride Academy will have the opportunity to take part in age appropriate activities which will help to advise and guide them at key decision making milestones during their education.

Years 7, 8 & 9 (We have a very small number of Key Stage 3 students who are taught in one group)

  • Students will research a number of different jobs, comparing the skills, qualifications and experience required, along with rates of pay, benefits and hours worked.
  • Students will take part in a variety of activities designed to encourage them to explore their own skills and qualities and relate these to potential future careers.
  • Students will learn about labour market information, exploring the opportunities for employment available locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Students will learn about the full range of study pathways open to them post-16, including apprenticeships, college, T-levels and 6th form.
  • Representatives from education and training providers will visit school to talk to students about the opportunities available to them post-16.
  • Students will take part in a visit to a workplace to learn about the different job roles and working environments available.
  • Students will take part in an Enterprise Challenge or Team Challenge day where they will learn new skills associated with the world of work and running a business.

Year 10

  • Students will take part in a variety of activities designed to identify their individual skills in relation to potential future careers. These may include quizzes, enterprise competitions or tasks set by visiting employers.
  • Students explore the differences between school and the workplace to prepare them for future employment. They will look at the information needed to make informed decisions about their future career and the job opportunities available locally, nationally and globally.
  • Students will have the opportunity to meet with a range of employers, face to face or virtually, to learn about their job roles and working environments.
  • Students will learn how to research different career pathways and learn about the skills, qualifications and experience required in different roles.
  • Students will learn about the job application process, including submitting an application, different types of interview and assessment and creating a CV. They will take part in a mock assessment process.
  • Students will take part in a mock interview with an employer and receive feedback on their performance.
  • Students will take part in a number of experiences of the work place, including meeting with employers, taking part in work place visits and reflecting on their learning of different job roles and working environments.
  • Representatives from education and training providers will visit school to talk to students about the opportunities available to them post-16.

Year 11

  • Students will take part in at least one 1:1 session with a Level 6 qualified Careers Adviser who will provide an action plan and assistance with next steps.
  • Students will spend time looking at and comparing job adverts. They will focus on pay rates, hours worked, qualifications and experience required and how to apply for a job.
  • Students will update or create a CV and have the opportunity to practice completing an application form and writing a letter of application for a job.
  • Students will take part in a mock interview with an employer and receive feedback on their performance.
  • Students will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from a range of education and training providers to help them make decisions about their next steps. Visits to colleges and training providers will be arranged.
  • The Careers Leader and Form Tutors will support students in making successful applications for their chosen post-16 options and assist them in making a successful transition.

Monitoring and Evaluation

A combination of methods is used to ensure that the activities included in our Careers Programme are effectively monitored and evaluated.

These include learning walks and observations, weekly book monitoring and QA, open discussion during tutor time, student and staff focus groups, visitor feedback,  staff and student feedback forms and the inclusion of work completed and useful information in each student’s Careers and Employability log.

If you would like further information about our careers programme please contact Mrs Ellis Hopkinson on 01332 349616 or email