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Covid-19 Updates

Risk Assessments

The Derby Pride Academy Re-opening Risk Assessment and Action plan is reviewed and updated on a weekly basis by the Principal, Mrs Hayes, every Friday.

A copy of this Risk Assessment can be provided to a parent or carer upon request.

There is also a Covid-19 PE safety procedures document, which again is available on request.

Face coverings

From Tuesday 8th September 2020 face coverings will be mandatory for staff and pupils in all areas of the school as it is difficult to stick to social distancing due to the size of the establishment.

We will review this regularly in line with government guidance.

Face coverings will not be required to be worn outside.


From 1st September 2020 the usual rules on school attendance will apply, including:-

  • It is a parent's duty to send their child to school regularly if they are of compulsory school age.
  • It is a school's responsibility to record attendance and follow up absence
  • The local authority is able to resume the use of legal sanctions, including penalty notices and processes that may lead to prosecution in court for persistent absence.

Covid-19 Testing

Students should not attend school if they have any of the following symptoms:-

  • A high temperature 
  • A new continuous 
  • Loss or change to sense of smell or taste

Should students display these symptoms we advise families to get the student tested and self isolate until the test results have been returned.

If a test result is positive then the student should remain off school until they have finished the 14 day isolation period. Once the isolation period is complete they will be able to return to school. However, should the student's high temperature persist then they should continue to isolate until it is back to normal.

If a test result is negative then the student can return to school on receipt of evidence of a negative test.

Should parents/carers require any information or support please contact the school office and ask to speak to Ms Boulton.