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How we support SEND at Derby Pride Academy

How we support SEND students at Derby Pride Academy

Derby Pride Academy strives to educate all of its students within an environment where the traditions of learning, respect and community are promoted.

Derby Pride Academy is an inclusive alternative provision establishment where diversity is celebrated.

As an Alternative Provision Academy, we do not specifically accept admission of children and young people with an Education, Health and Care plan. The exception to this is where a child or young person has been diagnosed and gained an Education, Health and Care plan while currently accessing education within the academy at KS4. Within these circumstances, it is possible for the child or young person to remain with the academy if the following is correct:

·         The needs of the child are best met in the academy

·         An additional transition would detrimentally affect the child

·         The child is already making good or better progress and parental preference is to              maintain the education in place with additions as mandated in the plan

Please click the green button to see our policies on SEND:


 There are four areas of additional need. These are:

  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • sensory and/or physical needs.

Derby Pride Academy recognises that the students may need support in more than one of these areas.

Where a students is identified as having SEND, the academy will seek to remove barriers to learning and put SEND provision in place.

In Class Support

Our team of Behaviour and Learning Practitioners support identified students in timetabled lessons under the guidance of the teacher. This could include 1:1 support or in small groups.

Literacy Extract

When students who need additional support in literacy are identified, they receive 1:1 extraction, focusing on the key skills.  

Other Interventions

This could be for ASD, reading, reading comprehension, spelling, handwriting, numeracy, social skills. These could be delivered by a teacher or BLP. External interventions are also offered where this has been identified through referrals to multi-agencies.

 Curriculum Access

Adaptations to the curriculum or learning environment may be made to remove barriers to learning.

Things such as:

  • Sitting at the front of the classroom;
  • Using enlarged resources;
  • Alternative timetables;
  • Dyslexia screening;
  • Use of colour overlays;
  • Visual timetable provided;
  • Having someone scribe student’s work;
  • Access Arrangement for exams/controlled assessments

There are many more that may be put in place depending on the individual student’s needs.

For some students with the most complex needs, we can provide access to an alternative timetable and some vocational options.

Please click to see our SEN Information COVID19 Report addendum

Who are the best people to talk to at Derby Pride Academy ?

 The class teacher has responsibility for:

  • checking on the progress of your child;
  • identifying, planning and delivering a differentiated curriculum for your child in class as required;
  • personalised teaching and learning for your child;
  • ensuring that the academy’s SEND Policy is followed.

If you have concerns about your child’s progress you should talk to us. In the first instance, speak to your child’s Behaviour and Learning Practitioner. You can also make an appointment to speak to the SENCo Dr Bruce by phone or email

Tel: 01332 349 616 