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  • To ensure all pupils become fluent when using music sequencing software.
  • To widen pupils’ knowledge of musical genres and styles


Pupils will learn to, successfully, navigate industry standard music sequencing software to compose, remix, and record both audio and MIDI information. Pupils will be able to set up and operate a digital audio workstation featuring MIDI controllers, audio sources and audio outputs. Several methods of musical composition using technology will feature throughout the course leading to pupils being able to take ownership of how they create music.



Music Technology is split into four areas of study to help break down the delivery. Each topic has a link to the previous topic so pupils can see a connection and development within their work. Pupils learn the content by producing written, audio and video evidence of their skills. The four areas of study are:

  • Unit 1 - Using a Digital Audio Workstation
  • Unit 2 - Creating music
  • Unit 3 - Studio Recording
  • Unit 4 - Sound Creation



Various assessment methods are used in music technology for different key stages. Key Stage 3 will complete written workbooks evidencing their skills of the four main areas of study shown above with a framework of study based around the NCFE Level 1 Technical Award in Music Technology.

 Key Stage 4 pupils will study the NCFE Level 2 Technical Award in Music Technology



Music technology at Derby Pride Academy uses the latest, industry standard, equipment to deliver real world skills in the music sector. The skills and equipment used will enable pupils to have sufficient knowledge to succeed in real life music tech situations and flourish in professional environments.


We have decided to leave the RSL qualification and move to the NCFE course. This is because the assessment windows for RSL caused reservations as some of our pupils had trouble improving their outcomes at the right time and, with the assessment windows, we felt it didn't lend itself to our pupils becoming used to the expectations of the course in sufficient time, particularly when arriving at DPA throughout the year.

The NCFE course implemented this year features three areas of study providing pupils with a background knowledge of key musical genres, the ability to run a multitrack recording session and the skills needed to create their own compositions and recordings in line with a given brief.


Numeracy and literacy feature heavily in music technology and pupils document their knowledge, skills and fluency on the software through written, verbal and video evidence.


Cross Curricular links


Events / people / places



Connectives for advanced writing.


Connotative meaning behind musical styles.



Starters identifying key terminology.


Numeracy around time signatures, tempo and additive production.



Study of different genres and advancements in Technology.


Links to diegetic and non-diegetic music in media production and film.


Notable Historic events and the music surrounding them.




Study of the art and fashion surrounding different musical genres.





Data sharing IT.


Written workbook evidence.


Career Links



Production / Technology

Publishing and Media

Music Industry

Performing artist


Session musician






Recording musician


Song writer


Jingle writer


Foley artist


Film Music


Video game composer


Sound designer


Sound Engineer




Radio DJ

PRS Worker


Music Lawyer


Public relations and advertising


Label lead

A and R representative


Music journalist


Music educator


Booking agent


Concert promoter