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Admissions Statement

Applications for places at Derby Pride Academy will originate from:

  • Local Authorities may refer permanently excluded pupils or pupils referred to them as being at risk of permanent exclusion by schools under section 10 of the Education Act 1996);
  • Maintained schools and academies may also refer pupils at risk of permanent exclusion or pupils who they feel would benefit from an education at the academy directly (section 29A of the Education Act 2002) on a commissioned place basis;
  • As an Alternative Provision Academy, we do not specifically accept admission of children and young people with an Education, Health and Care plan. The exception to this is where a child or young person has been diagnosed and gained an Education, Health and Care plan while currently accessing education within the academy at KS4. Within these circumstances, it is possible for the child or young person to remain with the academy if the following is correct:

    ·         The needs of the child are best met in the academy

    ·         An additional transition would detrimentally affect the child


    Pupil Referral Process

    Admissions Policy 

    Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan (The Green Paper)